Green tea packs in it a great deal of health. It contains natural flavonoids that are loaded with natural antioxidants which accounts for the health benefits of green tea, starting from lowering your blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke and also reduce your risk of certain canters (rectal, colon, skin). It also aids in good oral hygiene and bone development. All the variety of tea comes from the same shrub called Camellia sinensis and the only difference which makes the green tea is the process by which it is made. To understand this let us assume the case of black and green tea. Black tea is made from the process of fermentation while green tea doesn’t undergo fermentation. This is the main reason green tea is loaded with antioxidants and tastes different from the black tea. During green tea production, leaves are harvested, withered, and then heated through steaming (Japanese style) or pan-firing (Chinese style). This process halts oxidation so the leaves retain their color and delicate, fresh flavor.
Green tea Infusion
When it comes to the infusion part, green tea has a more delicate taste and is light green/golden in color. The original colour of the tea comes to be pale green liquid after brewing and has a grassy flavor. Since, the tea doesn’t undergo oxidation, green tea is bitter and becomes mores astringent if steeped for longer time.
Caffeine content
Green tea typically has less caffeine than black tea but it may have more too depending on the plant variety. Usually, the caffeine is less as compared to black tea, it is said that it has only one-fourth caffeine of the black tea. The caffeine content of green tea ranges from 24-40 mg per cup and black tea ranges from 14-61 mg per cup. Due to this reason, green tea is an ideal drink for bed time as it doesn’t interrupt with your sleep due to low caffeine content.
Green tea leaves do not undergo the process of fermentation and hence are least oxidized. They have more polyphenols as compared to other varieties of tea, making it rich in antioxidants. The main antioxidant found is the EGCG. Due to this green tea is highly helpful in weight loss, prevents various forms of cancer and aids in a healthy digestion. This clearly indicates that green tea holds a superior position to all the other varieties of tea when it comes to health benefits.
Buy Green Tea online
With the introduction of our online tea store– “Teafloor,” you can shop for almost all the best varieties of green tea. We have Chinese, Taiwan and Indian varieties of green tea with different price ranges. Green tea is also better than other teas in terms of pricing and provides you a better health in low price range. We have low to high priced green teas and you can buy the best depending on your convenience. So go buy green tea online and grab a cup of best green tea today for a better health!!!

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