“Behind every successful man there is a woman.” The quote holds true not just for men but for every individual in the world around us. A woman is said to be the ultimate strength and success behind any individual. If we look around us, we find that women play a very important role in our lives. Women are to be respected, loved and cared for all sacrifices they do for the people around them.
The time has gone when men used to be the soul decision makers in the society. Women have taken important roles in the society. They have risen and are changing the society with their hard work and dedication. Women have come a long way and it is time to celebrate women and their achievements. But it is also time to take a look at various issues regarding women which still creeps in the society against women and should be eliminated. One of the issues is – “Women Health.”
Women Health & its issues
Currently, women face a multitude of health issues throughout the world which for a surprise is still being not worked upon by the society. Even in the developed countries of the world, women health problems are on a rise while in developing countries, the health problems of women remain far too low on the international community’s list of priorities. As an example of this neglect, the number of women dying in childbirth remains unacceptably high, with a differential between poor countries and the wealthier ones in the West being among the highest of all comparative health data.
India being a developing country faces a plethora of issues when it comes to women healthcare. Despite of all the recent developments in healthcare sector and all the medical miracles taking place, there is lot which is missing in the Indian healthcare system especially for women.
At the turn of the 21st Century India’s health care system is strained in terms of the number of healthcare professionals including doctors and nurses. The health care system is also highly concentrated in urban areas. This results in many individuals in rural areas seeking care from unqualified providers with varying results. A disparity in access to maternal care between rural and urban populations is one of the ramifications of a highly concentrated urban medical system. According to Government of India National Family Health Survey, the maternal mortality in rural areas is approximately 132 percent the number of maternal mortality in urban areas.
Moreover, Women are negatively affected by the geographic bias within implementation of the current healthcare system in India. Of all health workers in the country, nearly two thirds are men. This especially affects rural areas where it has been found that out of all doctors, only 6 percent are women. This translates into approximately 0.5 female allopathic physicians per 10,000 individuals in rural areas.
If we go more deeply, here are the main issues regarding women’s health that keep all women awake at night:
• Breast & Cervical Cancer
Cancer is a challenge to our society especially when it comes to women. The two of the most common cancers affecting women are breast and cervical cancers. Although, medical treatments have been a lot better in addressing cancer at various stages but incidence rates are still on a rise. The reason can be due to the stressful and unpatented lifestyle being followed in the society.
• Gynecological health and disorders
These problems are the most common when it comes to women. The gynecological problems among women include menstrual irregularities like uncomfortable & irregular menses with heavy bleeding. Bloating and cramps during mensuration and Post-Menopause symptoms. It is very important for women in maintaining a healthy reproductive system for the overall health.
• Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
This problem affects approximately 10 percent of women of reproductive age. The PCOS syndrome causes small cysts to form on the ovaries during ovulation. These cysts are definitely dangerous if proper treatment is not taken leading to side pains, infections and possibly damaging a woman’s uterus. Women with PCOS are also more prone to weight gain, abnormal periods, endometriosis, acne, excess hair growth and infertility.
• Mental health
Women are more prone to experience anxiety, depression, and somatic complaints – physical symptoms that cannot be explained medically.
Depression affects largely because of hormonal changes (for example, postpartum depression that develops post-pregnancy), or lifestyle factors (feeling disconnected from loved ones, a family history of the disease, or substance abuse). It also can be triggered by a stressful life event, a history of childhood abuse, or neglect.
• Osteoporosis & Bone health
It affects the strength and resiliency of the bones, which can lead to fractures and bone breaks later on in life. Other risk factors include age, having a wiry frame, eating a diet that’s low in calcium or vitamin D, smoking, and excessive alcohol use. Apart from all the above health issues, women tend to face a lot of other problems such as Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and Heart Attack or Stroke.
Role of tea in women health
There is a saying in the medical field – “Prevention is better than cure.” This hold true for almost all the diseased conditions, even in the women healthcare segment. In case of women, whether it is breast cancer, ovarian cancer or any other gynecological problem, a proper prevention regimen is much more effective than the cure.
There are many prevention regimens which can be followed by women for a good health which mainly includes changes in diet and lifestyle. Exercising and eating healthy are the first steps to be taken to address any emerging health issue. When it comes to healthy eating, one magical elixir which has always been positive for our health can be a life savior for women.
Tea, known as Camellia sinensis, has been revered by many cultures for thousands of years, plenty of time to make note of its positive effects on health but now there is evidence that drinking tea truly does help you live a longer, better life. Tea has distinct effects at the cellular level that enhance health and slow down the natural aging process. And of course the ritual of drinking it is also very helpful to calm the nervous system.
The recent discoveries in science have proved the benefits of tea in women health and the trend seems to “spread like a spell” all over the world.
Green Tea
We all know about the fantastic green tea and its health benefits. Numerous studies have shown the positive effects of green tea on human health. The health benefits of green tea are said to be attributed to the antioxidant components (Catechins).
Women should consume green tea to stay healthy. There a variety of reasons behind consuming this magical elixir.
• Cancer prevention
Women in Asian countries have lower rates of many cancers and a high consumption rate of green tea. This is not a coincidence but a proven fact. The chemicals in green tea have been shown to bond with and destroy cancer cells .Hence, drinking green tea may also slow the spread of breast cancer and protect smokers from lung cancer.
• Weight Loss
Green tea increases the metabolism. The polyphenol found in green tea works to intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories. This is particularly important for women who have gained weight after pregnancy or due to any other reasons.
• Diabetes & cardiovascular diseases
Now days, sedentary lifestyle has led to increase of incidence of diabetes in women. Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage. Green tea also works on the lining of blood vessels, helping keep them stay relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure. It may also protect against the formation of clots, which are the primary cause of heart attacks. Green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
• Depression
Increasing pressure on women to cope up with the regular lifestyle has led to the rise of depression among women. Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. It is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect and be a great benefit to tea drinkers. It’s a lot better than popping an anti-depressant pill which ultimately leads weight gain, infertility and various other problems.
• Skincare
The term beauty and women have always been related. From centuries, women have deeply cared for their beauty. Green tea can really helpful for women as it can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging; this is because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.
White Tea
White Tea is the least oxidized of all types of tea. White tea contains the same free radical fighting catechins as green tea. It is said to be the kryptonite for viruses and bacteria, due to the higher levels of antioxidants. This tea has been gaining popularity recently due to its numerous health benefits.
Recent studies on white tea have added surplus knowledge on the positive health effects of white tea. It is now considered superior to green tea and mimics all the properties of green tea in a better way.
White tea may be the most powerful when it comes to cancer prevention, especially in women. Drinking 1-2 cups of white tea a day has led to prevention of breast cancer, cervix cancer and other forms of cancer among women.
White tea is a magical drink when it comes to women. It avails the following benefits for women.
• Helps In Weight Loss
• Aids In The Treatment Of Acne
• Beneficial In Pregnancy
• Improves Hair And Skin Health
• Enhances Energy And Alertness
• Helps Reduce Inflammation
• Improves Reproductive Health
• For Hypothyroidism
• Can Improve Memory and works as an anti-stress
• Anti-Aging
• High Levels Of Calcium And Fluoride Help Maintain Healthy Teeth, Gums And Bones.
Oolong Tea
Women be ready…If you are bored with drinking green tea, a new variety of tea which is recently gaining popularity is the “Oolong Tea.” This tea is unique in its own way because it spans an oxidation range of 20-80%, where some are closer to green teas, and others are more similar to black teas.
The amazing health benefits of oolong tea for women are as follows
• Oolong tea helps you burn fat faster by raising your metabolism for up to two hours after drinking it. Oolong also contains polyphenols that are able to block enzymes that build fat.
• Oolong is known to reduce cholesterol levels and promote heart health in women. Since, oolong tea is semi-oxidized; it produces a perfectly sized polyphenol molecule that is able to activate the enzyme lipase, which is known to dissolve body fat.
• This is very important for women around the world as “hair fall” has become a common issue for them. Oolong tea promotes healthy hair due to its high level of antioxidants. Oolong tea can prevent hair loss if you make a tea rinse out of the leaves. Not only that, but your hair will be thicker and shinier.
• Women suffering from skin problems should opt for oolong tea. Oolong tea is able to suppress those allergic reactions of skin because of its anti-oxidation property. Also, the antioxidants found in oolong are essential for vibrant, youthful skin. Drinking oolong can greatly slow down the aging process, so it’s a great anti-aging tool.
• Prevents osteoporosis and forms strong bones in women. Women who consistently drink oolong tea are less likely to lose their bone mineral density, helping retain minerals from healthy foods consumed.
Black Tea
The most common and highly consumed type of tea is black tea. It contains the highest levels of caffeine among all types of tea. It contains highest levels of “Theaflavins” and “Thearubinins” and these compounds are just as effective as the catechins in green tea in preventing heart disease, stroke and cancer, and lowering cholesterol. Women consuming 2-3 cups of black tea stay healthier as compared to the non-consumers. The various health benefits of black tea among women are as follows
• Women consuming black tea have a lower risk of a stroke and other cardiovascular problems. This is due to the reason that black tea contains polyphenols, which are also antioxidants that help block DNA damage associated with toxic chemicals.
• Women are less prone to cancers such as breast cancer when they consume black tea. Also, women who drink black tea regularly have a lower chance of ovarian cancer than their counterparts.
• Women who are regular black tea drinkers have stronger bones and lower probability of developing arthritis due to the phytochemicals found in tea.
• Women with black tea consumption are less stressed because of the amino acid L-theanine found in black tea. L theanine helps to relax and concentrate better. Black tea reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol when consumed in moderate amounts on a regular basis.
Pu-Erh Tea
This is a unique tea when it comes to women and numerous health benefits for them. This tea has not been popular in the tea market due to its lack of availability and knowledge but has been gaining popularity recently.
One of the most important health benefits of Pu-erh tea for women is its ability to break up fats, which makes this tea especially effective at fat loss and aiding digestion after particularly heavy or greasy meals. This tea is a main ingredient in many “slimming” tea formulas. Pu-erh tea significantly suppresses fatty acid synthesis (FAS). This means that it can literally block your body from producing more fat.
Pu-erh tea has varying, but generally low levels of caffeine. It also contains very high amounts of flavonoids, which are aggressive in lowering LDL cholesterol and lowering blood pressure among women.
Inviting tea into life
Women need to take care of their health in order to support themselves and the society as a whole. Inviting tea into their lifestyle would certainly help women to live a better and healthier life. We hope that after reading the above article, many of you would decide to include a cup of tea in their life and heighten the power of women in the society.
And last but not the least…
Happy Women’s Day!!!
Stay Healthy! Explore varities of Teas here:

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