Green tea happens to be one of the most popular health beverages in today’s times. If you love yourself some good tea and want to enjoy its health benefits, then switch over to the green brew and see yourself transform. Having said that, we insist, that this tea is no overnight miracle, but a miracle […]
shades of tea
Benefits Of Black Tea With Lemon

Did you know that black tea accounts for more than 80% of the tea produced in the whole world?! Yes, you read that right, the black brew which is available in hundreds of varieties and is a huge favorite among the masses. Now many people are not aware of the fact that the black tea […]
What It’s Like To Work At Teafloor?

When it’s time for you to join an organisation as an intern, it is the very first step you take from being a student to an employee. As this happens, you undergo a number of changes, starting from the lifestyle you follow, the work that you do, and the people you meet every day. Not […]
50 Shades of Tea, Our Paradise in the Prison

My dad always says this line, “Chai jaisi bhi ho, jahan bhi ho, jiski bhi ho – pee leni chahiye”. What it means in English, is that “One can just drink a cup of tea – at any time, anywhere, or with anyone”. While growing up I probably never understood this line, but today I […]