Every day, the population of the world drinks approximately 6 billion cups of tea. It is consumed in various ways- hot or cold, with sweeteners or without- in the most delectable flavours, in the form of popular teas. While the history of tea itself is shrouded in mystery and myth, its current and long lasting […]
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The Most Fascinating Benefits of Tulsi Mulethi Green Tea

Tulsi Mulethi Green Tea : Some spices and herbs from our grandmothers’ stockpile are so precious that till date they continue to be used in everyday home remedies. Two such age-old herbs are Mulethi (liquorice) and Tulsi (Holy basil). Both have been known for their exceptional health promoting properties for centuries. A naturally sweet herb, […]
Is Green Tea Good for Hair Growth?

Short, long, spikes, or maybe a bob; we all love having healthy hair in various textures. Unfortunately, we spend a lot of money maintaining them as well. What most people don’t realise is that the quality of our hair largely depends on what we consume. The healthier our diet is the healthier our hair is. […]
How Much Green Tea Should I Drink?

Green tea happens to be one of the most popular health beverages in today’s times. If you love yourself some good tea and want to enjoy its health benefits, then switch over to the green brew and see yourself transform. Having said that, we insist, that this tea is no overnight miracle, but a miracle […]
The Best Tea Books on Planet

Books and tea are perfect pairs and are the best companions. When we combine both of these we get something incredible! For a person who is a tea and book lover both, this combination is like heaven. The taste of tea and the enjoyment of reading a book increases when used in combination. Try it […]
Know how Green Tea is Different from the Rest

Green tea packs in it a great deal of health. It contains natural flavonoids that are loaded with natural antioxidants which accounts for the health benefits of green tea, starting from lowering your blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke and also reduce your risk of certain canters (rectal, […]