Introduction: In a world driven by modern medicine, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda continues to captivate individuals seeking natural and holistic approaches to health and well-being. Central to this ancient Indian system is the potent Ayurvedic herbs that have been revered for centuries for their therapeutic properties. From promoting overall wellness to targeting specific health […]
Tea and Health
Steps To Homemade Jasmine Buds Flower Iced Tea Recipe

To begin there are a few things you need to know before we jump into the steps toHomemade Jasmine Buds Flower Iced Tea Recipe.Themajority of jasmine plants grow in tropical and subtropical climates, althougha few can bloom in temperate zones. These summer plants are popular for theirmagical fragrance and the delightful flavor of anything […]
10 Health Benefits of Tea for Older Adults

Since ancient times, tea has been regarded as a health-promoting beverage. Not just for the average person. Tea has tons of health benefits for older adults, too thanks to its antioxidant properties. These fight the free radicals that can increase aging. Plus, they protect the body from the effects of pollution and aging. Additionally, tea […]
Suffering From Constipation? Here’re 8 Teas To Help Relieve Constipation

Ayurveda, modern experts, and elderly people – all know the secret to a healthy body. It’s a healthy digestive system. Thankfully, there are tons of home remedies, especially teas, to help you out with tummy problems. There’s tea for digestion, tea for bloating, and even tea for constipation. That’s right! You no longer have to […]
What Are The Health Benefits Of Indian Chai Tea And Its Importance?

The Indian Chai Tea, also known as masala tea is a delightfully aromatic and flavourful tea made with water, milk, and some sugar. This spicy tea is full of nutrients and tastes you don’t want to forget. Black tea, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and other healthy components are all included in chai tea. All have […]
Is It Good If I Add Some Sugar In Green Tea?

Sugar is an integral part of beverage recipes like teas, coffees, and fruit juices, almost ever since these got first added to our diets. But sugar is not healthy for the most part. And considering sugar in green tea – the boon for good health, it’s common to have doubts. That’s why here we are […]
What Are The Differences Between Black Tea And Green Tea?

While both black tea and green tea come from the same plant Camellia Sinensis, they have a lot of differences. And that has led to the creation of separate fan bases for the two. You’ll hardly find someone who loves both the teas. Why is that? What makes these two children of the same mother […]
Does Green Tea Really Help Reduce Belly Fat?

Short answer – yes! Green tea does help reduce belly fat. You see, green tea is one of the least processed teas because it comes from unoxidized leaves. As a result, it has the highest concentration of antioxidants and polyphenols beneficial to health. These compounds may have a good effect on skin health, immunity, and […]
How Often Should You Be Drinking Green Tea In A Day?

Green tea is high in minerals and plant nutrients that may benefit one’s health. This includes catechins, which are omnipotent antioxidants that may help protect against cancer. Caffeine and catechins in it, have been demonstrated to improve fat burning and promote metabolism. It also helps to prevent type 2 diabetes and heart disease. According to […]
Is Tea Good or Bad for Your Health?

Questions like – is tea good for health, hardly get clear answers. Most people end the query by saying – it depends. The short answer is – tea is mostly good for health unless you drink it in certain circumstances. Now, one of the certain circumstances in which tea is not good for health is […]