While both black tea and green tea come from the same plant Camellia Sinensis, they have a lot of differences. And that has led to the creation of separate fan bases for the two. You’ll hardly find someone who loves both the teas. Why is that? What makes these two children of the same mother […]
Tea Wars
Is Tea Good or Bad for Your Health?

Questions like – is tea good for health, hardly get clear answers. Most people end the query by saying – it depends. The short answer is – tea is mostly good for health unless you drink it in certain circumstances. Now, one of the certain circumstances in which tea is not good for health is […]
Which is The Best Tea in India For Milk Chai?

Whether we had a long tiring day, just woke up, or cannot fall asleep, tea has become an inseparable part of our daily routine. The tradition of drinking tea dates back to ancient periods. People have started preparing several kinds of tea with time, concerning the flavor and health benefits. Keeping these in mind, let […]
Oolong vs. Green tea – Which One is better?

Introduction Tea has been the drink of choice for mankind for almost a thousand years now. There is no better and safe option than a quick cup of tea. A cup of tea helps us out both mentally and physically. In those tiring times, when we need a quick burst of energy, a cup of […]
Assam Tea or Darjeeling Tea?

Introduction Tea was brought in India by the British and since then India has become a hub of tea production. There are three main regions in India where tea is cultivated – Darjeeling in the north, Assam in the northeast, and Nilgiri in the south. Darjeeling and Assam tea is known throughout the world and […]
Loose Tea versus Tea Bags

Tea–drinking rituals and histories remind us that tea is much worldlier than people sometimes think. Without these cultural differences, we might not think of tea as more than something to keep us warm or quench our thirst. Tea is one of the highest consumed beverages after water in the world. Health research and lifestyle trends […]
Which One is Better- Green Tea Vs White Tea

Introduction For years, tea has been used as for many medicinal purposes. The exact reasons were not clear then but the recent advancement in science and technology has provided us with many studies showing the exact reasons. Tea has many beneficial effects, right from cancer prevention to maintaining a healthy weight. In a sense the […]