Sleep, gut and mood, the three crucial factors for good health, are all interrelated. If one goes wrong, the other two are very likely to go downhill too. Considering this, don’t we all need that magic potion which keeps all these three factors always in check? Well, tea is one such elixir. It not only […]
benefits of green tea
Why is Chamomile Tea the Best Tea for Weight Loss

Chamomile tea has diverse health benefits and the specialty of this tea lies in a daisy-like plant from which it originates. Famously used as sleeping aids, these tea-producing, medicinal plants help in calming your mind. Chamomile tea is further known for its medicinal properties while also being famous for its beauty benefits. Commonly found in […]
Does Drinking Green Tea has a positive effect on Blood Pressure Reduction?

Hypertension is one of the major causes of cardiovascular disease and dietary and lifestyle factors are the major risk factors associated with it. Therefore, changes in the dietary pattern and lifestyle can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of development of hypertension and its related complications. For the prevention of hypertension dietary patterns should […]
Changing Seasons And Super Drinks: Benefits Of Tea For Winter Woes

Being one of the largest consumed beverages in the entire world, tea is considered to be a miracle drink that almost everyone adores. It cleanses our mind, body and soul. And in full honesty, there isn’t a better time to drink tea than in winters. The cold season makes our bodies more susceptible to sickness. […]
Green Tea For Acne And Fungal Infections: How Is It Helpful?

Have you ever woken up to the stinging pain of a zit on your chin? Or maybe an inflamed spot between your toes? Acne and fungal infections are two common yet stressful problems faced by people every day. While acne occur mostly during puberty, these problems are not a surprising phenomenon in adults either. Pesky […]
Green Tea for Healthy Skin

Tea is one of the most popular beverages consumed through out the world. Tea, which comes from the plant Camellia sinensis, is consumed for taste and for its various health benefits. It is consumed in as green, black or oolong tea. However, among all these, the most noteworthy effects on health have been observed with […]
Which is the Best Tea to Drink in Terms of Health Benefits?

Tea is known to be a magical drink in South East Asia. The beverage originated from China and is derived from the Camellia sinesis plant. One of the best brews to have in the morning, tea can be primarily divided into four major categories and that is black, green, oolong and white. Having said that […]
Why Green Tea Lovers also Share Love for Black Tea

Over time we have made you aware of the fact that all six types of teas are made one single plant Camellia Sinensis. Despite that, each of these teas are different from each other in some respects or the other. These changes are the result of the process carried out to make tea, after they […]
How Much Green Tea Should I Drink?

Green tea happens to be one of the most popular health beverages in today’s times. If you love yourself some good tea and want to enjoy its health benefits, then switch over to the green brew and see yourself transform. Having said that, we insist, that this tea is no overnight miracle, but a miracle […]
Make Good Health Your Cup of Tea, With A Cup of Tea

Who doesn’t like to start their day with a Refreshing Cup of Tea? Tea, the dried leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis, is the most popular beverage, consumed by over two-thirds of the world’s population. Different types of teas available in the market are black (fermented), green (non-fermented) and oolong (semi-fermented). These are classified based […]