According to the wise words of Sadhguru, “The only way to experience true wellbeing is to turn inward. This is what yoga means- not up, not out, but in. In is the only way out.” The world around us moves very fast and to make life worth living, we all need to keep up with […]
Author: Ankit Tiwari
Nilgiris Twirl Oolong Tea Recipe

The Oolong Tea, also known as Wu long tea is grown in the Southern parts of Western Ghats of Southern India. The freshly grown leaves are then plucked and oxidized in different forms. Further, the colour of the tea leaves depends on their level of oxidation. If the leaves are less oxidized, the brew […]
What’s More Satisfying than Unlimited Snack and No Health Problems?

“1 billion people in the world are chronically hungry and 1 billion people are overweight”, says Mark Bittan in his book, “A guide with more than 75 recipes”. He is right, and we might be one of those 2 billion people. Food is the essential part of everyone’s life. Good food always makes a man’s […]
The Trails and Tales of Tea around the World

When we talk about culture, the first thing that comes to our mind is the way we live our life and do things. Some people prefer living a calm and easy life, while others like to be engrossed in their work. Different people have different life styles. Life style and preference changes from people to […]
Need to know about Lemon Grass and Ginger Iced Tea Recipe

If you are a lover of subtle flavors, then you will definitely enjoy the lemongrass and ginger iced tea. This delicious mix is low on caffeine, which is why, you can easily slurp on it, in the evening as well. The brew is sure to keep you energized and peppy throughout the day, and […]
The Secret Ingredient Vanilla Iced Green Tea Recipe

Vanilla happens to be a universally loved flavor when it comes to desserts and beverages. Vanilla ice creams, milk shakes, smooties, etc. are ever so popular! However, vanilla desserts come loaded with calories and sugar, which can be very unhealthy for you in the long run. If you are health conscious, but still love […]
How to Prepare Iced Rose Green Tea Recipe At Home

Summer is the season of roses. Roses not only smell good and look beautiful, but they have many antioxidant properties which will aid your overall health. Rose is known for improving digestion and boosting the immune system. Apart from that, it brings a natural glow to the skin and prevents premature aging. Rose coupled […]
Health Benefits of Green Tea for Weight Loss

The Health Benefits of Green Tea are surprisingly enumerable. It is your best friend when it comes to health, and consuming it daily will bring wonders to your health. Green tea has many health benefits, which may include : Such as reducing blood pressure. Boosting immunity. Detoxifying your body The primary one, however, is weight […]
The Secrets of Tea Tasting

Tasting tea is a joy, and those who do it, understand it well. Tea is a product of environment and is natural. Unlike others such as wine, chocolate or coffee, the experience of tasting tea is very different. Teafloor Tea is unique in its own way due to its body, character and aroma (and health […]
Food Pairing With…Tea!!

Everybody on the planet loves to drink tea. Tea is one of those drinks which have its presence in almost all the households around the world. Being the second largest consumed beverage after water, it is always in high demand. Tea is actually more than a drink in people’s lives; it is in fact like […]